About weareinnovation.org

Our global innovation story, as we write it


weareinnnovation.org is a global think l@b curating and analyzing information related to future developments, management and strategies, to make sense of innovation and inspire intelligent change. Organized as a live strategic plan, it aims at analyzing trends shared on social networks among innovation peers to outline key messages and catalyze change. The blog builds a living story of the initiatives developed around change management, ecosystems and business models implied by innovation, as well as specific technology trends such as Big Data and Internet of Things. As a result, weareinnovation.org provides a 360° overview of innovation as seen from experts and analysts to inspire readers with fresh views and questions for their daily business life.

Making sense of innovation


Created in 2013, the blog gathers four years of analyses sorted by:

  • Vision and thought leadership: analyzing the values and leadership skills  experts seek to develop through innovation
  • Ecosystem analysis: covering politics, economics, society, technology, legal and environment, as well as market trends
  • Strategy and management: assessing readiness to market and trends impact on projects and strategies
  • Customer requirement analysis: segmenting and analyzing innovation needs by segment (business experts and professional communities, education, politics and public policies, investors, companies, innovation experts, customers and influencers)
  • Strategic recommendations: an on-going review of information and plans as shared so far, shaping the story of innovation as shared on weareinnovation.org

Inspiring intelligent change


Through a diversity of standpoints, the blog intends to shape a smarter approach to innovation, encompassing the best practices identified across sectors and applying them in new ways to generate cross benefits to the innovation ecosystem. It encourages innovation professionals to consider new thinking patterns in order to better develop innovation. Through a professional yet personal view, posts provide innovation practitioners with tools and open mindedness to thrive in a rapidly changing world.